Knee Replacement Surgery: Rehab and Physical Therapy


You’ve just had exercising? For one thing, walking is important. Doctors recommend walking 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a day. The goal is not only to strengthen the knee, but to slow the development of scar tissue that can reduce your range of motion. Other exercises include:

  • Leg lifts: These involve straightening your knee on a bed and tightening your thigh muscles. You then lift your legs off the bed several inches and hold them in that position from 5 to 10 seconds and then lower them slowly.
  • pumps: Lie on your bed with your ankles hanging off the end. Next, move your foot back and forth. This will strengthen calf muscles and improve circulation in your legs.
  • Short-arc quads: Your quadriceps are a group of muscles that control your knee joint. You can exercise them by lying on your back with your legs extended. Put a pillow under your operated leg. Lift the heel of your operated leg off the bed. Hold for five seconds. Try to do one set of 10 repetitions three times a day.
  • Straight leg raises: Just lie on your back and raise one leg at a time, holding it in the air for 5 seconds. Do one set of 10 reps three times a day.

There are many other exercises that will build up strength in your leg. Your physical therapist can help you with them. In the end, the pain you once experienced will be greatly reduced. You’ll be able to do most things that you’ve done in the past before your knee became damaged.