Esophageal Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment



Endoscopy: the doctor passes an endoscope, a thin, lighted tube, down your throat into your esophagus to examine it. Endoscopic abdomen to examine the abdominal organs and take tissue samples to check for cancer spread.

How Is Esophageal Cancer Treated?

As with many cancers, esophageal Chemotherapy. Powerful drugs that attack cancer cells throughout the body; typically used in combination with clinical trial, in which new drugs or treatments are tested in patients. The success of these tests helps determine if the drugs or treatments will be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

How Are the Stages of Esophageal Cancer Treated?

Treatment options for esophageal cancer by stage may involve the following:

  • Stage 0 . Options include surgery, photodynamic therapy, radiofrequency ablation, or endoscopic muscosal resection.
  • Stage I, II, and III . Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation
  • Stage IV . Chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, immunotherapy; treatment for this stage focuses on “palliative” therapy. Palliative therapy is meant to relieve the pain and difficulty swallowing caused by cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, the percentages of people who live for at least five years after being diagnosed with esophageal cancer (taking into account that some people with esophageal cancer will have other causes of death) is 43% for localized cancer to the esophagus, 23% for cancer that has spread regionally, and 5% with distant cancer spread.