Pimples on Your Hairline: Causes, Effects, Prevention, and Treatment


scarring when it clears.‌

Pimples also affect your appearance, which can impact your . It can lead to:

Many people with acne feel embarrassed or unattractive. Teens, in particular, may be unwilling to participate in class or hang out with others. They may also face bullying, which can also harm their mental health. 

Tips to Prevent Pimples on Your Hairline

You can take some steps to prevent pimples from forming along your hairline. The steps include:

  • Wash your face daily with a gentle cleanser and warm (not hot) water.
  • Apply and wash off cleansers with your fingertips instead of an abrasive material like a washcloth.
  • Shower and wash your hair after you do things that make you sweat.
  • Use skin care products and cosmetics that won’t clog your pores — look for “non-comedogenic” ingredients.
  • Avoid tanning beds and too much sunlight.
  • Don’t touch your face or pick at any pimples you already have.

If you practice these tips but still get breakouts along your hairline, talk to a . They can help you get to the bottom of your acne issues and recommend a treatment. 

Treatment of Hairline Pimples

Pimples on your hairline are annoying, but you can treat them. You can buy over-the-counter face washes and other products with ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or topical .

A dermatologist can tell you which of these might be right for you. Or they can prescribe medications and other treatments that may help clear up the pimples along your hairline, which may include: 

When you work with a dermatologist, you’ll have regular follow-up appointments to track your progress. Your dermatologist can change your treatment plan if needed to help you get the best results.