What Are Puberty Blockers?


The physical changes during and around puberty can cause stressful and unpleasant emotions for children who don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. Puberty blockers, or pubertal blockers, help temporarily suppress puberty. Transgender and gender-diverse children may want to use these to stop certain changes to their bodies.

Treatment with puberty blockers is a part of gender-affirming care. This term refers to the social, psychological, behavioral, and medical care that supports a person if their gender identity conflicts with the one they were assigned at birth.

How Do Puberty Blockers Work?

The most common skin for gender-affirming surgery. There are other methods you can look into instead, though.

Problems with self-esteem. If your child doesn’t begin puberty around the same time as their peers, they may develop lower self-esteem.

Delayed growth plate closure. This could lead to taller adult height.

Changes to their bone growth and density. Your child may have lower bone density. Because of this, your doctor will want to make sure they get enough exercise, calcium, and . They’ll also keep a close watch on their bone density to make sure their bones remain strong and healthy.

Effects on their future fertility. Puberty blockers may lead to changes in your ability to have children in the future. Ask your doctor more about your specific risk.