Focus on Your Inner Self to Boost Your Mood


When you’re trying to tame breakfast place. Maybe take a walk in the woods if being in nature brings you peace.

Find Purpose

It might seem lofty, or maybe like a luxury for people who have plenty of time. But when your life lacks purpose, you might feel lost and like you don’t have direction. And studies show that when you feel a strong sense of purpose, you tend to be more skilled at working through life’s challenges.

For some, this comes from their spirituality. For others, it’s in their work. If you don’t know where to start, notice when you have a feeling of flow in your day, where you’re just lost in something and time slips away. Write down when that happens. In time, your notes will be like little crumbs that guide you on your way.

Simplify Your Life

If your life feels jam-packed with work and home chores, it can be hard to remember you even have an inner self.

See if you can slow it down. Cut out what you can, especially when you’re feeling low. Sometimes, you just need to tell yourself that it’s OK to do less.

Give Thanks

It might sound corny, but it works. When you focus on things you’re grateful for, it lifts you up. It shifts your thoughts and helps you focus on the positive.

You might try a gratitude journal, where you write down something you’re grateful for each day. You can also make a habit of writing thank-you notes. Or actually counting your blessings each night.

Call a Timeout

When you play sports, you take timeouts for good reason. Sometimes, you need a break to get a better handle on things.

So when you feel overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to call one for yourself and do something relaxing. Even better, set up specific times during the day to consciously try to relax, and stick to that routine.

It can be as simple as taking a hot bath or listening to soothing music. Or you can try:

Relaxing doesn’t mean you’re “doing nothing” or being lazy. Think of it as a necessity, like eating or sleeping, that helps keep you well.